3 Ways a Doula Can Support You

Your bundle of joy is coming into the world in a few short months and you’ve been wondering if doula services are right for you. Here are three ways the use of a doula can make your pregnancy and birthing processes smoother.
Doulas provide emotional support and help relieve stress.
Physical and emotional stress can be considerable risk factors when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. Stress can come from all areas of your life including lack of rest, keeping up with household duties, other children, or just not having the time or space to relax and have some “me” time. Doulas can relieve that stress by helping with child-related errands, helping with other children in the household, and providing a 24-hour listening ear for any questions or concerns that parents may have.
Joy Morris, a mother who decided to use Rootead’s doula services for her second pregnancy, stated, “Our doula was very good at checking in everyday and seeing how I was. It made me feel good that there was someone who cared about how I felt and was doing.” She also stated that her hospital experience for her second pregnancy was not the best when it came to the way communication was handled between her and the doctors, so having a doula around really made a difference.
Doulas provide extensive education for parents.
Education is vital for all parents when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, and should continue once their child is born. Doulas are very useful in this aspect. They can provide a huge help when it comes to researching birth options, helping with the first feeding and bonding once their child has arrived, and creating an overall birth plan that works in the favor of the mother and what she wants before and after her pregnancy.
Joy stated, “Our doula was great with recommending things and letting me choose what was best for me when it came to my birth plan. She never pushed me to do things her way and always let me know that when we got to a specific spot in my birth plan that change was okay. You never really know exactly what you will want until you are in that moment.”
Doulas assist in the non-medical treatment of pain.
When it comes to childbirth there are many different forms of pain relief that some mothers may be unaware of, especially when it comes to non-medical options. These incorporate soothing touch and massage, as well as the use of movement and positioning to help with comfort.
“One thing I never knew with my first pregnancy that having a doula taught me was when it was time to have the baby, it was actually okay for me to get up and walk around. She showed me different positions I could put my body in and ways I could lean over to help with the pain,” said Joy.
Getting ready for the life-changing experience of becoming a parent can feel overwhelming, but it feels easier when you have a village. A doula can be a dedicated, helpful member of your village to help you as you bring your baby into the world.